Unconditional Love shines a LIGHT on all that is good and unifying about humanity.
The “Love… just Love” REVolution spreads this message through art, music, literature and a sense of community.
“Love… just Love” is an unconditional global REVolution.

Join this global REVolution to spread the message of Unconditional Love through our mural campaign; from house to house, city to city, nation to nation. Let’s go!
We are partnering with local artists in cities across the country and around the world to create original works of art for exterior surfaces that can be publicly enjoyed by all.
The common thread in all of the murals is “Love… just Love“.

In our HEARTS, we are ONE in Unconditional Love. Yet in the delusion of our minds, we debate the conditions of our religions, argue our politics, condemn sexual preferences and identities, create racial divides, hate, discriminate and separate.
When we identify with Unconditional Love, we are led to celebrate our diversity with tolerance, acceptance and support. Celebrating the things that make us different will help open our minds to realize the collective beauty we find in the diverse tapestry of what we call humanity. Home is where the HEART is. Sometimes we get so caught up in our minds that we lose our way back to our hearts. Let us show you the way home.
Our vision is to realize a united global community based on Love, kindness, and compassion and not one based on fear, hate, anger, and greed.