With our host:
Rev Bobby Eustace
Q. “Hey honey, what time is it?” A. “It’s time to change the filter.”
That’s right! It’s time to change the filter. Everything in life is a matter of perspective, i.e. “the filter”. This is how we process and respond to the world around us. Our perception of life is based on many factors. Some are religious. Others are cultural. Think about your life experience and the things you’ve been taught. We’ve been “conditioned” since birth and these conditions have become the clogs in our filters.
The focus of this podcast is Unconditional Love; a byproduct of perspective. In order to love unconditionally, we must be able to understand people from their perspectives, not just our own. Love comes from the heart. Our hearts are suffocating and we don’t even realize it. Our challenge isn’t learning how to love, which is innate in us at birth. The challenge is removing the clogs in our filters that keep us from loving unconditionally. Just like changing the air filter in our home or car, it’s time to change the filter so that our hearts can breath easier and love more efficiently, without condition.

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